So, I’ve come to realize lately that my world is kind of hectic and I have decided that the best way for me to deal with the craziness that is my life is to write about it. I am new to the WordPress community so I hope people will welcome me here. Mostly I will be posting what is going on in my life especially if something is really bugging me. I will also be posting fanfiction that I write. Right now I am in the process of editing my first attempt at fanfiction, My Little Bride which is based on The Twilight Saga and My Little Bride which is a Korean drama. I can honestly say that my writing skills when I wrote My Little Bride were crazy and all over the place and not in a good way. I think I have gotten better but it might all be in my head, let me know ( that is if there is anyone out there reading this). AS for things about my life, that will more likely than not be school or internship related. I am a senior at my collage and will be graduating in May, which by the way is super stressful. But if all goes well then I will be holding my diploma in May. I intern for a non-profit organization that teaches evidence-based abstinence plus sexual education in middle schools and high schools. Yes you read correctly I teach sex ed in school. I’ve been fortunate enough to have an internship at doing something I am interested in and that my community is in desperate need in. Don’t get me started on unplanned teen pregnancy, I could go on forever. Not that I condemn pregnant teens, I just wish that someone had giving the information about the different type of birth control that can be available to them. I mean seriously there are still teens out there that think you can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex. And the fact that the majority of the school in my state don’t have a sexual health education curriculum that they teach is just sad and is doing no one any favors. And if they do they only teach abstinence-only-until-marriage which is not realistic for most teens in this century. See this is what I’m talking about I can go on and on about teen sexuality and sex education. But I will stop now and go back to my editing of my fanfiction.
Until next time,
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